Monday, April 09, 2007


I love Easter. I think it is actually my favorite holiday. And getting up in the dark of night for a long drive on deserted roads was actually a very nice way to start this Easter. I live far enough out in the country that it was almost ten minutes before I passed anyone on the road yesterday morning.

I wish we could have spent more time by the lake, but it was definitely very cold. I don't know why we Minnesotans expect April to be nice- it doesn't ever seem to be, at least not consistently. You'd think we'd learn. But I guess if we didn't have short memories, we couldn't live here, right? No one who can really clearly remember January weather would stick around for a second winter...

The best moment of Easter Sunday for me was standing by the lake as, one by one, the morning birds started their songs. I can't remember ever being up before the birds were singing. It was magical.

It goes without saying that Easter breakfast was excellent. We are blessed with a lot of fantastic cooks at the Porch. On the way home, I stopped by my parents' house, and ended up going out for breakfast with my mom. We don't get to go out by ourselves very often, and it was great.

Going home and taking a nap in an empty house ruled, too. The kids were celebrating Easter with Jeff and his parents.

Two of my very best friends have stepped out of my life for the moment, and I miss them desperately. I don't know either of their reasons, exactly, but I worry about them. I hope it doesn't last.

If either of you is reading this, I am thinking of you. I hope you are ok. I love you.

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